Dignity Health | St. Rose Dominican | Reach | Fall 2019

StRoseHospitals.org  3 1. IMMUNIZATION IS THE NO. 1 BEST WAY TO PREVENT THE FLU. With rare exceptions, everyone 6 months and older needs a yearly flu vaccine. 3. INFLUENZA MAKES SOME PEOPLE SERIOUSLY ILL. Every year, flu complications lead to hospital stays—and even deaths. 6. FLU VACCINES HAVE A SOLID SAFETY RECORD. Vaccines can’t give you the flu—and serious side effects are very rare. 7. SHOT OR SPRAY? You can have it your way. Flu vaccines are available as shots or nasal sprays.* 5. INFLUENZA SPREADS. Be ready—get vaccinated as soon as possible. 4. VIRUSES TEND TO CHANGE EACH FLU SEASON. Scientists review U.S. flu vaccines yearly to make sure they best match circulating viruses. *The nasal spray is an option for healthy people ages 2 through 49 who are not pregnant. 2. SPARE YOURSELF. The flu can bring miserable symptoms and lead to missing work or school. Without delay! 7 great reasons to get your flu vaccine Open enrollment for 2020 Marketplace coverage runs from Friday, November 1 , through Sunday, December 15 . Make an appointment with one of our Exchange Enrollment Facilitators for enrollment assistance and see if you qualify for federal assistance to make coverage more affordable. Call 702.616.4904 . Need insurance coverage? Get expert help to guide the way “Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.” —Fred Rogers (“Mister Rogers”) STEP UP FOR YOUR PROTECTION! Find locations for flu vaccine clinics at southernnevadahealthdistrict.org .