Dignity Health | St. Rose Dominican | Reach | Spring 2021
StRoseHospitals.org 5 Loved ones waiting for word? Stay connected to them with our new MyCare text system. When you arrive in the ER, you can quickly sign up so that your loved ones will receive text message alerts throughout your care journey, including when you: ● Are seen by your nurse ● Have met with your doctor ● Have had radiology images ● Have had labs drawn ● Are ready to go home or are preparing for hospital admission and toys to make your child’s experience as reassuring and comfortable as possible. You’ll find comfort knowing that your child is in the hands of trained experts who understand that a child’s medical and emotional needs are unique and require specialized care and a warm touch. at all, that patient is immediately isolated to a separate area in the Emergency Department.” A well-fitted mask is provided to every person who walks in the door. Every precaution has been taken for your health and peace of mind, including: ● COVID-19 screening prior to entry ● Universal masking with hospital- grade masks ● Limiting the number of visitors ● COVID-19 testing in advance of procedures ● Enhanced cleaning ● Separating COVID-19 patients in treatment areas Once you are safely in the ER, you will be assessed by our staff and your treatment will progress normally—although time sometimes seems to pass slowly in the ER. Christopher Cheng, MD, Assistant Medical Director for the San Martín Emergency Department, understands completely. “The Emergency Department often has this feeling of hurry-up-and-wait, meaning we rush you in to get seen, but then we order these tests that take hours. Not everything can be determined quickly, and it does take time for labs and radiology results to come back.” It may seem like nothing is happening, but the nurses are keeping a watchful eye on you while the doctors are reviewing your results. Everything is happening behind the scenes to get you taken care of, diagnosed, and treated. The danger of delaying care “We are very concerned that the community is not coming in or delaying visits for emergency medical care out of fear of acquiring the virus in the hospital,” Dr. Vitkovitsky says. But waiting at home could be a serious mistake. During the pandemic, patients with abdominal pain have put off a trip to the ER, only to be diagnosed later with a ruptured appendix requiring emergency surgery. Others have put off seeking help for chest pain, then come to the ER hours, if not days, later to find out they’ve had a heart attack. Dr. Vitkovitsky encourages everyone to seek timely emergency care. “If you think you have an emergency medical condition and need to be seen, we’re always here for you.” Our Pediatric ER features: A child-friendly setting 24/7 care by board- certified pediatric emergency medicine doctors and pediatric emergency nurses Procedures and equipment designed for children and teens “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” —Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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