“Deciding to have bariatric surgery
saved my life—both physically and mentally,” says
Corinne Pace.
Corinne had struggled with her weight her
whole life, says her bariatric surgeon, Thomas
Umbach, MD. And she’s certainly not alone. The
obesity rate in the U.S. is nearly 35 percent,
according to Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. “That’s more than 1 in every 3
Americans,” says Dr. Umbach.
“As a physician, these numbers are particularly
concerning considering the serious health conditions
related to obesity, including stroke, heart disease,
type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.”
Time for a change
“I had thought about having bariatric surgery for a
while,” Corinne says. “But it wasn’t until I went to
Dr. Umbach’s seminar and got all of the facts that I finally
made the decision. I listened, thought about it, and
talked with my family. We have a history of health issues
that include cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure,
and diabetes. I wanted to improve my health and,
hopefully, avoid those health issues.”
There are several types of bariatric surgery. “Together,
Corinne and I decided her best option was gastric sleeve
surgery,” says Dr. Umbach. This procedure permanently
reduces the size of the stomach—by about 80 percent—
limiting food intake. It’s done laparoscopically—through
tiny incisions.
‘I found the
…and the love of my life’
Winter 2016